“Brain circuitry and mechanisms underlying anxiety uncovered” International Science Grid This Week looks at the Kalin Lab’s work exploring the origins of anxiety within the brain.
Watch a video of Dr. Kalin describing the research on non-human primates and how it relates to his studies on anxiety in children.
Dr. Kalin’s research profile on the UW School of Medicine and Public Health website.
Read about our recent work in the August 12, 2010 issue of Nature.
Read a review of the study also published in the August 12, 2010 issue of Nature.
Dr. Kalin discusses the study and its findings in this video:
Listen to Ned Kalin and Jonathan Oler talk about this study on the Nature Podcast. Their segment begins at time mark 13:33.
Schizophrenia Research Forum author Michele Solis looks at the anxious temperament heritability study and comments on how it may be applicable to the study of schizophrenia.